The Monthly Sankirtana Festival (MSF) of Steady Improvements was held from 16th-18th April 2010.The final MSF results were offered to their Lordships at the Wednesday Night Gita class held at the ISV temple in San Jose.
Here are the 5 steady improvements implemented by Team ISV (including members from Patron and Publicity teams)
Team ISV:
1. Established the Patron System of donation records, which is currently up and running
2. Set up a Dashboard to display temple finances, names of monthly donors, and other news-worthy items
3. Drafted the contents for a Sankirtana Course
4. Started on the design of an Introductory Course for newcomers
5. Designed fridge magnets containing temple contact information
In addition, ISV devotees participated in:
(i) a Hari Nama performance in Palo Alto on Friday, April 16th and
(ii) massive book distribution throughout South Bay last weekend.
The MotelGita Team dispatched several hundred Bhagavad Gitas to motels and Patron/Publicity team members organized, prepared and sent out 290 thank you letters along with calendars to all our contributors on the mailing list.
Here is a summary of the final scores from book distribution.
In all:
· 30 devotees participated in book distribution
· 2097 books (including calendars) were distributed and
· $1281 dollars in Laxmi points (including donations) were collected.
Among other contributions, the ISV MotelGita program received a gift from the LA BBT of $20,000, duly deposited in MotelGita’s BBT account towards purchase of 10,000 Bhagavad Gitas for placement in motels.
With the conclusion of this MSF, ISV completes 5 years of the official Monthly Sankirtana Festival (MSF) program, which was started in April 2005.
We’d like to thank all devotees who participated and donors who contributed to this MSF.
Note Added: The highlight of Hari Nama Sankirtana this time was that our singing and chanting party, while doing its traditional walk through downtown Palo Alto, was invited in by a major rug-shop owner who himself was having a party. Being forthright and non-hesitant, he opened up the doors to his shop, asked us all in and requested us to go around his main carpet floor, while we chanted the name of Hari. Most of his guests watched in amazement and took pictures to capture us on film, not wanting to miss out on this photo-op.