In the mundane world, people aer taught by way of mimicking or following a template for everything, beginning from pre-K to post-grad! Spiritual journey, on the other hand, begins when one develops a culture of thinking, a culture of intention and pursuit of divine ideals. Join us for a peek into the "School of Thought" of the divine Srimad Bhagavad Gita. We cordially welcome to our Sunday feast program this week which includes kirtan, Bhagavad Gita discourse, Arotik and delicious prasadam!
4:00pm - 5:45pm: "Template Follower or Contemplative Leader" by H.G Hariguru Das
6.00pm: Sandhya Aartik followed by Announcements and Prasadam
If you would like to sponsor a Sunday Feast, to commemorate a special occasion (like birthday or wedding anniversary) or just in general, please write to us at We will offer the bhoga to the Deities and serve prasadam to all the devotees in your name. Donation amount for the Sunday Feast is $301 only
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