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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Donate Tile/s for your departed ancestors in Million Dollar Krishna Wall on occasion of upcoming Mahalaya Amavasya, October 15, 2012

Dear Devotees

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Mahalaya Paksha or the fortnight especially sacred for offering respects and oblations to the departed ancestors falls in the first two weeks of October. The last day of this period, the new moon day, amavasya, is considered as the most important day in the year for performing the sraddha ceremony, offering tarpana and pinda maha-prasadam. This year if falls on Monday, October 15th.

In ISV this year, devotees can donate Tile/s in the Million Dollar Krishna wall in ISV new Temple for their departed ancestor by customizing a Tile with their names, or small message for them.

If this appeals you, please contact or call 949 981 4976 to reserve a  Tile on the name of your ancestors.
Hope this meets you all well in all aspects.

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MIllion Dollar Krishna Wall update 9/25/12 : 134 Tiles Gone, Expected Collection: $268K

Dear Devotees
Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With Kind Blessings from His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu and His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj, we had a miracle at ISV on day of Sri Radhaastmi.

Devotees across the planet came forward on that day, and donated more than 55 Tiles that exceeded over $110K collection on a SINGLE Day.

We pray to the Lordships to shower unlimited blessings to the donors and their loved ones.

As a background, we intend to build a MIllion Dollar Tile at ISV new Temple at 1965 Latham Street, Mountain View, CA. This wall will have 500 signature tiles created by best ISKCON artist Dhriti Mataji and Ramdas Prabhu
Each Tile can be customized with name/s of dear one or with a short message and comes for $2000.

As of now we have sold 134 Tiles out of the 500 and they are going very fast.

Today is Ekadasi and tomorrow is Vamana Dwadasi and both days are very auspicious to donate  Tile/s and help in this temple.
Our phone lines are open and we are receiving request from every corner of world for securing a tile. Please contact or call+1 949 981 4976 to secure a Tile.

Here are the esteemed donors of Million Dollar Wall as of now ( + Pledge)

Date Name Number of Tiles
9/24/2012 Prem Vilas Prabhu 1
9/23/2012 Chain Banwait 1
9/23/2012 Goda Venkata Subhramanya Shastri 1
9/22/2012 Anuradha Mataji ( mother in law) 1
9/22/2012 anonymous 1
9/22/2012 Rasika Shekar Prabhu and family 1
9/22/2012 Shivji 10
9/22/2012 Rajesh prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Gitapriya 1
9/22/2012 Hema Matati 1
9/22/2012 Bhumi Mataji 1
9/22/2012 Nilesh Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Srivas Pandit Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Kinjal and Hitendra Prabhu 2
9/22/2012 Nitu Mataji (Rajesh Pr) 1
9/22/2012 Bala Mukunda Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Damodar V Das ( 1 from outside) 1
9/22/2012 Rajesh prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Brain Granucci ( Bhagavan Dasa) 8
9/22/2012 Malini Matajis sister 1
9/22/2012 Sridhar Pr 1
9/22/2012 Avantika ( Rajesh Pr daughter) 1
9/22/2012 Shailesh Pr 1
9/22/2012 Hitendra Pr Uncle and Aunt 1
9/22/2012 Rajesh Prs in law 1
9/22/2012 Dilip Bhai 1
9/22/2012 Shailesh Prs Parents 1
9/22/2012 Rajaram Pr's Grand Parents 1
9/22/2012 Priyank M ( Varun Pr wife) 1
9/22/2012 Hitendra Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Rasika S Mataji - Father-in-law 1
9/22/2012 kinjal M 1
9/22/2012 Jorge Pr 1
9/22/2012 Vrindavan Priya Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Jagdish Prabhu 1
9/22/2012 Avantika Brother 1
9/22/2012 Vrindavan ( Sundar Pr son) 1
9/22/2012 Aditya Pr 1
9/22/2012 Mukharvindra Pr 1
9/22/2012 Niral Prabhu , Kyati Mataji 1
9/22/2012 Anonymous 1
9/22/2012 Ravikant Mohite and Family 1
9/22/2012 Dhikshith Jonnalagadda 1
9/16/2012 Lavanya Mataji, Sivakumar Prabhu 1
9/16/2012 Shivani and Shivangi 1
9/16/2012 Shreya Dasi 1
9/14/2012 Ashokbhai Kinariwala 1
9/12/2012 Madvi Raya 1
9/11/2012 Bali friend from India 1
9/11/2012 Srinarayan Prabhu 1
9/8/2012 Sadhana Mataji 1
9/8/2012 Kiron 1
9/8/2012 Govind Charan Prabhu 1
9/9/2012 Ballav Bihani 1
9/1/2012 Ananta Prabhu 1
8/30/2012 Kumar Prabhu 1
8/30/2012 Nick ( Dilip Bhai Neighbour) 1
8/28/2012 Kanka Mataji 1
8/26/2012 Alakh Verma & Kavita Mataji [ Aprameya Prabhu] 1
8/26/2012 Suprita mtj and Tirtha 1
8/26/2012 Rajesh prabhu 6
8/26/2012 Siva Kumar 1
8/26/2012 Sukeswari M, Ravi Purnam Pr ( Pledge) 4
8/26/2012 Sukeswari M, Ravi Purnam Pr 1
8/26/2012 Sundar Prabhu 1
8/26/2012 Vaishaka mataji 3
8/26/2012 balimardana prabhu 1
8/26/2012 Bharani Mataji 1
8/26/2012 Varsana Devi dasi and Ganga Narayan Prabhu 1
8/25/2012 Avijeet Prabhu 1
8/24/2012 Bhaktavatsala Prabhu 1
8/24/2012 Shri. Netar Swaroop Puri (Mumbai) 1
8/22/2012 Pramila ( Shraddha M Friend) 1
8/22/2012 Mohine Chandani ( DVD mother), Padma( Anu Mother) 1
8/22/2012 Yogi ( Hanspriya) 1
8/22/2012 Satyadeva Prabhu ( for Grand childrens) 1
8/22/2012 Keshav Bharati Goswami 1
8/22/2012 Mahesh Prabhu 1
8/22/2012 Tejus Prabhu 1
8/22/2012 Kishan Chand ( DVD FAther), Harish Kumar( Anu Father) 1
8/22/2012 Rahul Prabhu and Supriya Mataji 1
8/22/2012 Loren Russo Mataji (Lila) 1
8/9/2012 Vrindavan Priya Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vishwas Goel 1
8/9/2012 Ramanuja ( SKP son) 1
8/9/2012 Madhukar Reddy Sama Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vijay Prabhu + Aiswarya Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Hari Sankirtana Pr, Poojha Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Sundar Prabu 1
8/9/2012 Kamana M + Pravesh Pr 1
8/9/2012 Ramanna Prabhu ( SKP Brother in law) 1
8/9/2012 Varun Prabhu + Priyanka M 1
8/9/2012 Ashish Patil + neha + Gaurangi 1
8/9/2012 Raseswari M 1
8/9/2012 Amit Prabhu ( Raseswari Husband) 1
8/9/2012 Sudeep Sabnis Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Ravinder Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Amit + Anshu Gupta 1
8/9/2012 Trisabh Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Ruchir Pandit Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vaisesika Prabhu, Nirakula Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Zoe Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Jagarini M, Akrurnath Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Raja ram Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Sri Govind Dutt Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Bir Krishna Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Sharon Doyle 1
Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

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Krsna Katha tonight, by conference call. Please join!

Tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 25.


Reading of Vamanadeva Lila!

Conference dial-in number: (530) 881-1400

Participant access code: 192585 

#6 to Mute.

Gaura Prema!


Vaisesika Dasa

fast until noon for Vamandeva and then observe Ekadasi the rest of the day

Message from Vaisesika Prabhu as below

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Vaisesika Dasa <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 6:57 AM
Subject: fast until noon for Vamandeva and then observe Ekadasi the rest of the day

Tues, Sept. 25, 2012

Fast until noon today to honor Vamana Dwadasi (which is tomorrow). Then, follow Ekadasi all day today.

Break fast tomorrow morning, Wednesday by 7am.

Wednesday is feasting for Vamandeva Dwadasi.



Monday, September 24, 2012

Special SB reading tonight by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu

Dear ISV Devotees

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Special SB reading tonight by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu
Please join us for a reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, the pastimes of Vamanadeva. 

Tonight, Monday, Sept. 24. 8:30pm-9:30pm

Conference dial-in number: (530) 881-1400

Participant access code: 192585 

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vaisesika Dasa <>
Subject: SB reading tonight
Date: September 24, 2012 4:50:20 PM PDT

Please join us for a reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, the pastimes of Vamanadeva. 

Tonight, Monday, Sept. 24. 8:30pm-9:30pm

Conference dial-in number: (530) 881-1400

Participant access code: 192585 


Vaisesika Dasa


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

54 Tile is SOLD : $108K for Srimati Radharani

And that one Tile is GONE !
His Grace Ravikant Mohite Prabu and family got this golden opportunity

Ding Ding Ding... Hari Bol..


On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 9:07 PM, DEEPAK CHANDANI <> wrote:
Dear Devotees

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

we visited temple in evening and as if 52 was not enough,  His Grace Dhikshith Prabhu donated one Tile to make total count as 53 for today.

His Grace Hari Sankirtana Prabhu advised to send a mail to check if someone wants to donate a tile in this countdown to make this 54 that translates as $108K in total for pleasure of  Srimati Radharani

Please please.. get back if you want to get one Tile to make it 54 before end of Radtha astmi

Thanks to all for your cooperation, support and love

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

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One more Tile To Go ! Today Count 53, Goal : 54

Dear Devotees

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

we visited temple in evening and as if 52 was not enough,  His Grace Dhikshith Prabhu donated one Tile to make total count as 53 for today.

His Grace Hari Sankirtana Prabhu advised to send a mail to check if someone wants to donate a tile in this countdown to make this 54 that translates as $108K in total for pleasure of  Srimati Radharani

Please please.. get back if you want to get one Tile to make it 54 before end of Radtha astmi

Thanks to all for your cooperation, support and love

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

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We Invite you for first Puppet Show at ISV - from Vrindavana Priya Prabhu

Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With blessings of H. G. Vaisesika Prabhu, we are happy to announce ISV's first puppet show scheduled on Lord Vamana-deva's appearance day.

Wednesday, September 26th @ 7.29 PM
ISKCON of Silicon Valley,
951 S. Bascom Ave, SJ

Puppet Show Invite:

Everyone is invited, and all kids are guaranteed first row VIP seating :-) So please bring your kids!

On behalf of the puppet show team,

Yours in Service,
Vrindavana Priya Dasa

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Come and Celebrate Sri Radhaastmi on Sat at ISV

Dear esteemed ISV Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu is back in Bay area and we would be fortunate to have His association on Sat and Sun.
ISV will celebrate Radhastmi this Sat and the detailed schedule is as below:

Wednesday evening, Sep 19, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: ISV Temple
Come and Join us for a Special Gita class by His Grace Satyadeva Prabhu followed by Kirtana and Prasadam. For those who missed the briliant class last week, please watch the session  below to learn effortless chanting.

Thursday, Sep 20 
Appearnce of Srimati Sita Thakurani (Sri Advaita's consort)
Also, Lalita sasti

Saturday morning, Sep 22, 7:30 am - 10:30 am: ISV Temple:
Come and Celebrate Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani at ISV this Saturday. Festivity will be in air and please bring in your family and friends to get Srimati Radharani mercy. Some more information about Radharani towards end of the email. :

04:30 am Mangala Aarti
05:15 am Japa
07:00 am Greeting the Deities
07:15 am Guru Puja
07:30 am Bhramha-Samhita Recitation & Bhajans
09:30 am Glories of Srimati Radha Rani by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu
11:15 am Sri Radha Madan Mohan ji Abhishek
12:00 am Rajbhoga Aarti
01:00 pm Prasadam

Sunday Feast Program, Sep 23, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm:ISV Temple 
You are invited for Sunday Feast Celebration with us that includes Spiritual discussion by His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu followed by Kirtan, and Prasadam

Tuesday  Sep 25 : Kindly fast for Ekadasi

We look forward to your association at ISV this week.

In case you cannot come to Temple we have extended plans for you to be associated with us remotely.

You can listen to Live Broadcast call (760) 569-7676 access code:701087#
If you get busy signal call using the backup number (559) 546-1400
If you want to ask a question, or give your comments during Live Broadcast the press *6 to unmute, speak and after you are done again press *6 to mute.

Alternatively, You can watch the Live Broadcast point your browser to:

Yours in service,
ISV Communications Team,
On behalf of ISKCON Silicon Valley

951 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
Phone:(408) 293 4959
(Temple is opposite Frazee Paints.) San-Jose/Iskcon-of-Silicon-Valley/120151061353846?v=info

Srimati Radharani

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.23:
"In Vrndavana all the pure devotees pray for the mercy of Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of Lord Krsna. Srimati Radharani is a tenderhearted feminine counterpart of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature. Therefore, the mercy of Radharani is available very readily to the sincere devotees, and once She recommends such a devotee to Lord Krsna, the Krishna at once accepts the devotee's admittance into His association. The conclusion is, therefore, that one should be more serious about seeking the mercy of the devotee than that of the Lord directly, and by one's doing so (by the good will of the devotee) the natural attraction for the service of the Lord will be revived."
Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi lila 4.238-272 Purport:
Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart: "Everyone says that I am complete bliss, full of all rasas. All the world derives pleasure from Me. Is there anyone who can give Me pleasure? One who has a hundred times more qualities than Me could give pleasure to My mind. One more qualified than Me is impossible to find in the world. But in Radha alone I feel the presence of one who can give Me pleasure.
Although My beauty defeats the beauty of ten million cupids, although it is unequalled and unsurpassed and although it gives pleasure to the three worlds, seeing Radharani gives pleasure to My eyes. The vibration of My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds, but My ears are enchanted by the words of Srimati Radharani. Although My body lends fragrance to the entire creation, the scent of Radharani's limbs captivates My mind and heart.
Thus although, I am the source of happiness for the entire world, the beauty and attributes of Sri Radhika are My life and soul. In this way My affectionate feelings for Srimati Radharani may be understood, but on analysis I find them contradictory. My eyes are fully satisfied when I look upon Srimati Radharani but by looking upon Me, She becomes even more advanced in satisfaction. The flutelike murmur of the bamboos rubbing against one another steals Radharani's consciousness, for She thinks it to be the sound of My flute. And She embraces a tamala tree, mistaking it for Me. "I have gotten the embrace of Sri Krsna," She thinks, "so now My life is fulfilled." Thus She remains immersed in pleasing Krsna, taking the tree in Her arms. When a favorable breeze carries to Her the fragrance of My body, She is blinded by love and tries to fly into that breeze. When She tastes the betel chewed by Me, She merges in an ocean of joy and forgets everything else. Even with hundreds of mouths I could not express the transcendental pleasure She derives from My association. Seeing the luster of Her complexion I forget My own identity in happiness.
The sage Bharata has said that the mellows of lover and beloved are equal. But he does not know the mellows of My Vrndavana. The happiness I feel when meeting Radharani is a hundred times greater than the happiness I get from meeting others.""

"Million Dollar Wall" for Krishna, report as of 9/18/12

Dear ISV devotees

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With blessings of His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu and more recently by His Holiness Radhanath Swami, i am pleased to announce that we have sold around 76 Tiles by last Sunday. This brings us more than 50% of our Target till 12/31. But lot of things are still to be done.
More importantly devotees have started reaching out to their friends and relatives and attracting them to be part of this history. e.g Balimardan Prabhu got 2 friends from India who purchased tile, Ravindra Prabhu influenced his company CFO to buy a Tile, Vishaka Lila Mataji Uncle from east coast got a Tile, and there are few more stories that i can write.

We request more devotees to take pledge of bringing more Tile donors.

Also, Radhaastmi is on 22 Sep and it would be a very auspicious occasion to donate  Tile/s to be part of this history
You can pay us in installment in 60 or 90 days.

In case you wish to donate please visit to donate a tile or any amount and contact us at

Here is the Historic Million Dollar Krishna Wall Donors ( + Pledge) List as of last Sunday:

Date Name Number of Tiles
9/16/2012 Lavanya Mataji, Sivaji Prabhu 1
9/16/2012 Savita sisters 1
9/16/2012 Shreya Dasi 1
9/14/2012 Ashohbhai Kinariwala 1
9/12/2012 Ravi Purnam Prabhu 1
9/12/2012 Madvi Raya 1
9/11/2012 Bali friend from India 1
9/11/2012 Srinarayan Prabhu 1
9/8/2012 Sadhana Mataji 1
9/8/2012 Kiron 1
9/8/2012 Govind Charan Prabhu 1
9/9/2012 Ballav Bihani 1
9/1/2012 Ananta Prabhu 1
8/30/2012 Kumar Prabhu 1
8/30/2012 Nick ( Dilip Bhai Neighbour) 1
8/28/2012 Kanka Mataji 1
8/26/2012 Alakh Verma & Kavita Mataji [ Aprameya Prabhu] 1
8/26/2012 Suprita mtj and Tirtha 1
8/26/2012 Rajesh prabhu 6
8/26/2012 Siva Kumar 1
8/26/2012 Sukeswari M 6
8/26/2012 Sundar Prabhu 1
8/26/2012 Vaishaka mataji 3
8/26/2012 balimardana prabhu 1
8/26/2012 Bharani Mataji 1
8/26/2012 Varsana Devi dasi and Ganga Narayan Prabhu 1
8/25/2012 Avijeet Prabhu 1
8/24/2012 Bhaktavatsala Prabhu 1
8/24/2012 Shri. Netar Swaroop Puri (Mumbai) 1
8/22/2012 Pramila ( Shraddha M Friend) 1
8/22/2012 Mohine Chandani ( DVD mother), Padma( Anu Mother) 1
8/22/2012 Yogi ( Hanspriya) 1
8/22/2012 Satyadeva Prabhu ( for Grand childrens) 1
8/22/2012 Keshav Bharati Goswami 1
8/22/2012 Mahesh Prabhu 1
8/22/2012 Tejus Prabhu 1
8/22/2012 Kishan Chand ( DVD FAther), Harish Kumar( Anu Father) 1
8/22/2012 Rahul Prabhu and Supriya Mataji 1
8/22/2012 Loren Russo Mataji (Lila) 1
8/9/2012 Vrindavan Priya Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vishwas Goel 1
8/9/2012 Ramanuja ( SKP son) 1
8/9/2012 Madhukar Reddy Sama Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vijay Prabhu + Aiswarya Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Hari Sankirtana Pr, Poojha Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Sundar Prabu 1
8/9/2012 Kamana M + Pravesh Pr 1
8/9/2012 Ramanna Prabhu ( SKP Brother in law) 1
8/9/2012 Varun Prabhu + Priyanka M 1
8/9/2012 Ashish Patil + neha + Gaurangi 1
8/9/2012 Raseswari M 1
8/9/2012 Amit Prabhu ( Raseswari Husband) 1
8/9/2012 Sudeep Sabnis Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Ravindar Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Amit + Anshu Gupta 1
8/9/2012 Trisabh Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Ruchir Pandit Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Vaisesika Prabhu, Nirakula Mataji 1
8/9/2012 Zoe Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Jagarini M, Akrurnath Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Raja ram Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Sri Govind Dutt Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Bir Krishna Prabhu 1
8/9/2012 Sharon Doyle 1

We pray to the Lordship to be pleased by their donations and give them Their Blessings.

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Stanford event will be Broadcasted on 7PM

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Today's event with HH Radhnath Swami Maharaj at Stanford will be brocasted live on ISV's channel on starting 7pm onwards. 

Thanks to Ramananda Sakha prabhu for making it possible. 
Your servant,
Srigovindadatta das

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Reminder: "Our world: Time for a Positive Change?" 7PM, Monday,Sept 17th by HH Radhanath Maharaj @ Braun Corner, Stanford (Directions Attached) [3 Attachments]


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fwd: [IskconSV_General] "Yoga of the Heart' event brocasted live on starting 5.30pm on Saturday, 9/15

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vishakha Lila dasi <>
Date: September 15, 2012 5:07:04 PM PDT
Subject: [IskconSV_General] "Yoga of the Heart' event brocasted live on starting 5.30pm on Saturday, 9/15


Dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Today's event with HH Radhnath Swami Maharaj at ISV's new temple will be brocasted live on ISV's channel on starting 5.30pm onwards.
Thank you
Your servant
Vishakha Lila dd

Recent Activity:


"Our world: Time for a Positive Change?" 7PM, Monday,Sept 17th by HH Radhanath Maharaj @ Braun Corner, Stanford (Directions Attached)


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Friday, September 14, 2012

We are at university and bryant

We are at university and bryant intersection 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2012, at 5:08 PM, DEEPAK CHANDANI <> wrote:

Dear ISV Devotees
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We have Harinama Tonight staring at 6:59 PM at Palo Alto Downtown, intersection of University Ave and Emerson
Be part of Big Harinama performance with massive book distribution. His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu wrote in one of His emails earlier

The work of going door-to-door, town-to-town to distribute Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta, and so on, is the highest welfare work. 

Not only that, it is the yuga-dharma, the specific sacrifice prescribed for Kali-yuga in the Vedas and confirmed by the great Acaryas. 

Karabhajana Muni says: 

"Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of sankirtana." (SB 11.5.36)

According to our Acaryas, Sankirtana includes not only the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord; it also includes the distribution of transcendental books, or written kirtana. In 1974, Srila Prabhupada wrote: 

"So I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana." (SPL to Srutadeva dasa, 24th October, 1974)

And in his purport to Srimad-bhagavatam 3.25.21, Srila Prabhupada describes the mood of the devotees who go out to distribute transcendental knowledge to the public: 

"A sadhu, as described above, is a devotee of the Lord. His concern, therefore, is to enlighten people in devotional service to the Lord. That is his mercy. He knows that without devotional service to the Lord, human life is spoiled. A devotee travels all over the country, from door to door, preaching, `Be Krsna conscious. Be a devotee of Lord Krishna. Don't spoil your life in simply fulfilling your animal propensities. Human life is meant for self-realization, or Krishna consciousness.' These are the preachings of a sadhu. He is not satisfied with his own liberation. He always thinks about others. He is the most compassionate personality towards all the fallen souls."

Please join us!  we will meet in Palo Alto, (University and Emerson) to congregationally chant the holy names. 

On Saturday and Sunday, we will all be going out to distribute books around the Bay Area in a variety of spots. 

There are at least four ways that you can participate:

1. Join the book distribution team.
2. Come out for Harinama Sankirtana.
3. Donate money to support the book distribution.
4. Volunteer for backup services. 

The human form is especially given to us for performing yajna, sacrifice. By doing the proper sacrifice, we can attain the highest goal of life.

Take advantage this weekend and be counted by joining this historic event celebrating the life of one of our greatest Acaryas, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

Param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam!

With gratitude and affection,

Also Other programs in this week are
Saturday morning, Sep 15, 7:30 am - 10:30 am: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose.
Sri Brahma Samhita recitation and discourse on  Srimad Bhagavatam by His Grace Akruranath Prabhu followed by Prasadam*. Devotees will go out for book distribution. Please contact His Grace Sri Krishna Prabhu or Her Grace Malini Mataji if you wish to go out for books distribution.
Saturday evening, Sep 15, 5:30 pm to 7 :00 pm: ISV New Temple at 1965 Latham Street, Mountain View
Great Opportunity to get association of His Holiness Radhanath Swami on Saturday. Kindly come early as large number of guests are expected and do not miss this historic event. A brief bio of Maharaj at the end of email. A separate email is send for this event.
Event: Yoga of the Heart
When:  Saturday Sept 15th, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Where: 1965 Latham Street Mountain View CA 94040
Sunday Feast Program, Sep 16, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose
You are invited for a very Special Sunday Feast Celebration with us that provides nectarian association with His Holiness Radhanath Swami leading the Spiritual discussion followed by Kirtan, and Prasadam
Monday, Sep 17, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Stanford
Bhakti Yoga club of Stanford along with PLA invites you for a thought provoking spiritual discussion lead by His Holiness Radhanath Swami on "Our world: Time for a Positive Change?"
Time: Monday, Sept 17 2012, 7PM-9 PM
Venue: Building 320, Room 105, Braun Corner, Stanford CA 94305
Venue for this program is different from other Stanford events. Attached are the driving and parking instructions from El Camino/Stanford Ave and Caltrain station, along with the program flyer.

Your servants 
ISV Communication Team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isv Announcements <>
Date: Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:34 AM
Subject: Japa Workshop -Wed, Associate with HH Radhanath Swami on Sat, Sun and Monday
To: Announcements ISKCONSV <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>

Dear esteemed ISV Devotees,
 Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
We are going to be very lucky this week with many opportunities to associate with His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Each year all of us eagerly wait for Maharaj visit to Bay area and get further acceleration in our devotional life.
As one of our goals for the current MSF is to hold classes on Improving Devotional Skills, this Wednesday's class by His Grace Satyadeva Prabhu will include a special workshop on improving Japa.
Besides we are having Harinama on Friday and massive Srila Prabhupada's book distribution this weekend.
The detailed schedule is as follows:
9/11 is a special day at ISV. Our Lordship Sri Sri Laksmi Nrshingadeva came to ISV on 11 Sep. Please come and pray to the Lord to remove all material desires in our heart and advance in devotional service.
Wednesday evening, Sep 12, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: ISV Temple at 951 Bascom Ave, San Jose.
As part of MSF, His Grace Satyadeva Prabhu will conduct a very special workshop that will improve your Japa. 
Come and Join us for this special class followed by Kirtana and Prasadam. 
Friday evening, Sep 14, 6:59 PM : Public Harinama at Palo Alto Downtown, intersection of University Ave and Emerson
Be part of Big Harinama performance with massive book distribution. Be there to Get Free Mercy overflow that is on sale at the Market Place of Holy Names.
Saturday morning, Sep 15, 7:30 am - 10:30 am: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose.
Sri Brahma Samhita recitation and discourse on  Srimad Bhagavatam by His Grace Akruranath Prabhu followed by Prasadam*. Devotees will go out for book distribution. Please contact His Grace Sri Krishna Prabhu or Her Grace Malini Mataji if you wish to go out for books distribution.
Saturday evening, Sep 15, 5:30 pm to 7 :00 pm: ISV New Temple at 1965 Latham Street, Mountain View
Great Opportunity to get association of His Holiness Radhanath Swami on Saturday. Kindly come early as large number of guests are expected and do not miss this historic event. A brief bio of Maharaj at the end of email. A separate email is send for this event.
Event: Yoga of the Heart
When:  Saturday Sept 15th, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Where: 1965 Latham Street Mountain View CA 94040
Sunday Feast Program, Sep 16, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose
You are invited for a very Special Sunday Feast Celebration with us that provides nectarian association with His Holiness Radhanath Swami leading the Spiritual discussion followed by Kirtan, and Prasadam
Monday, Sep 17, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Stanford
Bhakti Yoga club of Stanford along with PLA invites you for a thought provoking spiritual discussion lead by His Holiness Radhanath Swami on "Our world: Time for a Positive Change?"
Time: Monday, Sept 17 2012, 7PM-9 PM
Venue: Building 320, Room 105, Braun Corner, Stanford CA 94305
Venue for this program is different from other Stanford events. Attached are the driving and parking instructions from El Camino/Stanford Ave and Caltrain station, along with the program flyer.
We look forward to your association at ISV this week.
In case you cannot come to ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave,  we have extended plans for you to be associated with us remotely.
You can listen to Live Broadcast call (760) 569-7676 access code:701087#
            •          If you get busy signal call using the backup number (559) 546-1400
            If you want to ask a question, or give your comments during Live Broadcast the press *6 to unmute, speak and after you are done again press *6 to mute.
Alternatively, You can watch the Live Broadcast point your browser to:
Yours in service,
ISV Communications Team,
On behalf of ISKCON Silicon Valley
951 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(Temple is opposite Frazee Paints.)
Get a Tile on Krishna Million Dollar Wall
Brief Bio of Maharaj
A bhakti yoga practitioner for more than 30 years, Radhanath Swami is a spiritual teacher, community builder, activist, and acclaimed author. He is the founder and director of the Radha Gopinath Ashram in Mumbai, India. Under his inspiration and guidance, the project has grown to include missionary hospitals, orphanages, eco-friendly farms, schools, temples, emergency relief programs, and a food distribution program that feeds more than 250,000 indigent children in downtown Mumbai every day. In spite of his many responsibilities, he also travels widely, teaching Eastern philosophy and spiritually throughout Europe, Asia, and America. He has been featured as a guest speaker in universities such as Harvard, MIT, Columbia and Stanford, and in corporations such as Microsoft, Intel and Oracle.
His memoir, The Journey Home (Mandala Publishing, 2008), chronicles a young man's emergence into a deep state of personal and spiritual awareness, providing a penetrating glimpse into the heart of India's rich mystic devotional tradition. Rooted in this tradition, Radhanath Swami's message is as profound as it is simple: by cultivating a rich inner life of self-awareness and a genuine practice of service, we can become instruments of compassion and agents of sustainable change in the world.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the "ISV Announcements" group. For more options:

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

<Our world Time for a Positive Change - HH RNS Sept 17th.jpg>
<Directions from Caltrain Station.pdf>
<Directions from Stanford Avenue.pdf>

Harinama Today , Associate with HH Radhanath Swami on Sat, Sun and Monday

Dear ISV Devotees
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We have Harinama Tonight staring at 6:59 PM at Palo Alto Downtown, intersection of University Ave and Emerson
Be part of Big Harinama performance with massive book distribution. His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu wrote in one of His emails earlier

The work of going door-to-door, town-to-town to distribute Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta, and so on, is the highest welfare work. 

Not only that, it is the yuga-dharma, the specific sacrifice prescribed for Kali-yuga in the Vedas and confirmed by the great Acaryas. 

Karabhajana Muni says: 

"Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of sankirtana." (SB 11.5.36)

According to our Acaryas, Sankirtana includes not only the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord; it also includes the distribution of transcendental books, or written kirtana. In 1974, Srila Prabhupada wrote: 

"So I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana." (SPL to Srutadeva dasa, 24th October, 1974)

And in his purport to Srimad-bhagavatam 3.25.21, Srila Prabhupada describes the mood of the devotees who go out to distribute transcendental knowledge to the public: 

"A sadhu, as described above, is a devotee of the Lord. His concern, therefore, is to enlighten people in devotional service to the Lord. That is his mercy. He knows that without devotional service to the Lord, human life is spoiled. A devotee travels all over the country, from door to door, preaching, `Be Krsna conscious. Be a devotee of Lord Krishna. Don't spoil your life in simply fulfilling your animal propensities. Human life is meant for self-realization, or Krishna consciousness.' These are the preachings of a sadhu. He is not satisfied with his own liberation. He always thinks about others. He is the most compassionate personality towards all the fallen souls."

Please join us!  we will meet in Palo Alto, (University and Emerson) to congregationally chant the holy names. 

On Saturday and Sunday, we will all be going out to distribute books around the Bay Area in a variety of spots. 

There are at least four ways that you can participate:

1. Join the book distribution team.
2. Come out for Harinama Sankirtana.
3. Donate money to support the book distribution.
4. Volunteer for backup services. 

The human form is especially given to us for performing yajna, sacrifice. By doing the proper sacrifice, we can attain the highest goal of life.

Take advantage this weekend and be counted by joining this historic event celebrating the life of one of our greatest Acaryas, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

Param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam!

With gratitude and affection,

Also Other programs in this week are
Saturday morning, Sep 15, 7:30 am - 10:30 am: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose.
Sri Brahma Samhita recitation and discourse on  Srimad Bhagavatam by His Grace Akruranath Prabhu followed by Prasadam*. Devotees will go out for book distribution. Please contact His Grace Sri Krishna Prabhu or Her Grace Malini Mataji if you wish to go out for books distribution.
Saturday evening, Sep 15, 5:30 pm to 7 :00 pm: ISV New Temple at 1965 Latham Street, Mountain View
Great Opportunity to get association of His Holiness Radhanath Swami on Saturday. Kindly come early as large number of guests are expected and do not miss this historic event. A brief bio of Maharaj at the end of email. A separate email is send for this event.
Event: Yoga of the Heart
When:  Saturday Sept 15th, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Where: 1965 Latham Street Mountain View CA 94040
Sunday Feast Program, Sep 16, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose
You are invited for a very Special Sunday Feast Celebration with us that provides nectarian association with His Holiness Radhanath Swami leading the Spiritual discussion followed by Kirtan, and Prasadam
Monday, Sep 17, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Stanford
Bhakti Yoga club of Stanford along with PLA invites you for a thought provoking spiritual discussion lead by His Holiness Radhanath Swami on "Our world: Time for a Positive Change?"
Time: Monday, Sept 17 2012, 7PM-9 PM
Venue: Building 320, Room 105, Braun Corner, Stanford CA 94305
Venue for this program is different from other Stanford events. Attached are the driving and parking instructions from El Camino/Stanford Ave and Caltrain station, along with the program flyer.

Your servants 
ISV Communication Team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isv Announcements <>
Date: Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:34 AM
Subject: Japa Workshop -Wed, Associate with HH Radhanath Swami on Sat, Sun and Monday
To: Announcements ISKCONSV <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>

Dear esteemed ISV Devotees,
 Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
We are going to be very lucky this week with many opportunities to associate with His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Each year all of us eagerly wait for Maharaj visit to Bay area and get further acceleration in our devotional life.
As one of our goals for the current MSF is to hold classes on Improving Devotional Skills, this Wednesday's class by His Grace Satyadeva Prabhu will include a special workshop on improving Japa.
Besides we are having Harinama on Friday and massive Srila Prabhupada's book distribution this weekend.
The detailed schedule is as follows:
9/11 is a special day at ISV. Our Lordship Sri Sri Laksmi Nrshingadeva came to ISV on 11 Sep. Please come and pray to the Lord to remove all material desires in our heart and advance in devotional service.
Wednesday evening, Sep 12, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: ISV Temple at 951 Bascom Ave, San Jose.
As part of MSF, His Grace Satyadeva Prabhu will conduct a very special workshop that will improve your Japa. 
Come and Join us for this special class followed by Kirtana and Prasadam. 
Friday evening, Sep 14, 6:59 PM : Public Harinama at Palo Alto Downtown, intersection of University Ave and Emerson
Be part of Big Harinama performance with massive book distribution. Be there to Get Free Mercy overflow that is on sale at the Market Place of Holy Names.
Saturday morning, Sep 15, 7:30 am - 10:30 am: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose.
Sri Brahma Samhita recitation and discourse on  Srimad Bhagavatam by His Grace Akruranath Prabhu followed by Prasadam*. Devotees will go out for book distribution. Please contact His Grace Sri Krishna Prabhu or Her Grace Malini Mataji if you wish to go out for books distribution.
Saturday evening, Sep 15, 5:30 pm to 7 :00 pm: ISV New Temple at 1965 Latham Street, Mountain View
Great Opportunity to get association of His Holiness Radhanath Swami on Saturday. Kindly come early as large number of guests are expected and do not miss this historic event. A brief bio of Maharaj at the end of email. A separate email is send for this event.
Event: Yoga of the Heart
When:  Saturday Sept 15th, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Where: 1965 Latham Street Mountain View CA 94040
Sunday Feast Program, Sep 16, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm: ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave, San Jose
You are invited for a very Special Sunday Feast Celebration with us that provides nectarian association with His Holiness Radhanath Swami leading the Spiritual discussion followed by Kirtan, and Prasadam
Monday, Sep 17, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Stanford
Bhakti Yoga club of Stanford along with PLA invites you for a thought provoking spiritual discussion lead by His Holiness Radhanath Swami on "Our world: Time for a Positive Change?"
Time: Monday, Sept 17 2012, 7PM-9 PM
Venue: Building 320, Room 105, Braun Corner, Stanford CA 94305
Venue for this program is different from other Stanford events. Attached are the driving and parking instructions from El Camino/Stanford Ave and Caltrain station, along with the program flyer.
We look forward to your association at ISV this week.
In case you cannot come to ISV Temple at 951 S Bascom Ave,  we have extended plans for you to be associated with us remotely.
You can listen to Live Broadcast call (760) 569-7676 access code:701087#
            •          If you get busy signal call using the backup number (559) 546-1400
            If you want to ask a question, or give your comments during Live Broadcast the press *6 to unmute, speak and after you are done again press *6 to mute.
Alternatively, You can watch the Live Broadcast point your browser to:
Yours in service,
ISV Communications Team,
On behalf of ISKCON Silicon Valley
951 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128
(Temple is opposite Frazee Paints.)
Get a Tile on Krishna Million Dollar Wall
Brief Bio of Maharaj
A bhakti yoga practitioner for more than 30 years, Radhanath Swami is a spiritual teacher, community builder, activist, and acclaimed author. He is the founder and director of the Radha Gopinath Ashram in Mumbai, India. Under his inspiration and guidance, the project has grown to include missionary hospitals, orphanages, eco-friendly farms, schools, temples, emergency relief programs, and a food distribution program that feeds more than 250,000 indigent children in downtown Mumbai every day. In spite of his many responsibilities, he also travels widely, teaching Eastern philosophy and spiritually throughout Europe, Asia, and America. He has been featured as a guest speaker in universities such as Harvard, MIT, Columbia and Stanford, and in corporations such as Microsoft, Intel and Oracle.
His memoir, The Journey Home (Mandala Publishing, 2008), chronicles a young man's emergence into a deep state of personal and spiritual awareness, providing a penetrating glimpse into the heart of India's rich mystic devotional tradition. Rooted in this tradition, Radhanath Swami's message is as profound as it is simple: by cultivating a rich inner life of self-awareness and a genuine practice of service, we can become instruments of compassion and agents of sustainable change in the world.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the "ISV Announcements" group. For more options:

Please accept my respectful obesisances. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your humble servant
Damodara Vamsidhari Das (Deepak Chandani)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the "ISV Announcements" group. For more options: