Join The International Festival of 1,008 Book Distributors!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Join "Read My Books" - Reading of Science of Self Realization starting 28 Jan 6 pm

Dear Devotees

Pamho agtSP

By blessings of His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, we are pleased to announce an initiative called "Read My Books" that aims to encourage and facilitate very soul to read Srila Prabhupada Books cover to cover.
We wish to integrate "Sage by Page" and "Extended Hours of Rain" by few hours of readings to finish a book.

We have  selected "Science of Self Realization" as the first book ( as pilot, followed by Teaching of Lord Caitanya after this ) and His Grace Koladwipa Prana Pr, Her Grace Gandharvika Radha M, His Grace Abhishek Prabhu and Damodar Vamsidhari Das will be main readers 
We plan to have conference bridge, Online Meeting with Free Conference  for all sessions and last session inside ISV temple where we complete the book as an offering to Srila Prabhupada.
Last 5 to 10 mins in each session will be used for devotees to share their experiences or what stuck with them ( As HG Vaisesika Prabhu asks us) and we would plan to read 50 to 60 pages a day.

Later We would read Teaching of Lord Caitanya (please note the change), Easy Journey, Krishna and other books in this year one by one.

In last session people can ask Qs to special guest Srivas Pandit Pr and Balimardhan Prabhu  to answer any questions by the devotees who read the book.

To sign up for the mailing list to get information and reminders use the below link

Ways to join and listen 

1. Dial into the conference:
   Save this to automatic join from Phone, Click this to Dial-in Number: (563) 999-2090,908808#

2. Join the online meeting:
   Online Meeting ID: damodarvamsidharidas

At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial into the conference line. When prompted, enter the Access Code followed by the pound key.
To join the online meeting, click on the meeting link listed above and follow the prompts to join the meeting.

We would use the Audio conf call to begin with ( and no Google Hangout)

The detailed reading schedule is as below

Get your copy of Book from Temple (preferable). You can also use to read online in case you do not have book in hand.
Hope we can benefit each other by this reading and enrich our and other lives with Srila Prabhupada nectarean wisdom 
If you miss a session, the reading recording will be available after the reading.

Looking forward to read Srila Prabhupada books along with all of you. Please forward also to others who can benefit from this reading.

Read My Books Team

Ps: Addendum to ISV Connect mail, 1) We changed plan to read Science of Self Realization instead of Teaching of Lord Caitanya as first book 2) We will not use Google Hangout

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