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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

a Dog welcomes Sankirtan devotees

Practically in every house, there were pets (one cat and mostly dogs -- although a few dogs seemed like human beings because of their height and weight). As soon as we knock on the doors they would bark. When one gentleman opened the door, his dog some how sneaked outside and started running towards us. Immediately Bharath prabhu ran outside of the compound door and locked the door [imagine the scene :-) ]. I was left stranded :-( and the dog started jumping up on me and trying to smell and did everything possible (except biting, thankfully). Strangely, that resident was just watching the fun :-)) Finally, he came and caught the dog and took him inside. Then Bharath prabhu came inside :-))) It later turned out that the resident was jobless (and may be he was frustrated and allowed the dog to freak out -- my speculation). Anyway, it was little funny, scary and weird incident. He took books, by the way. That's what mattered, in the end….
. Bhakta K

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